www.rabbitcottontoothcottonrabbit.com (2018-ongoing)
Peter & nou comes in a web version. Constantly evolving, never the same twice (though technically, it could be the same twice, it’s just highly unlikely), frustrating, annoying and verging on the incomprehensible www.rabbitcottontoothcottonrabbit.com‘s domain name refers to a specific moment in time and space; a narrative used by a dentist to hypnotise a child, looping over and over and over… You can watch both Peter (2014) and nou (2018) here and all my other works pop up at some point, though that’s the least of it…
www.rabbitcottontoothcottonrabbit.com replicates the fractured senses and the loop of the hypnotised mind. Not simply ‘an internet of me’ nor a place to reveal my sources, www.rabbitcottontoothcottonrabbit.com generates new narratives with simple randomising code and a click of a finger on the mouse. Lose control. Gain control. Lose control.
Click on the bunny on this site to get straight there…