Lucy Skaer and friends at Talbot Rice
Got quite overwhelmed by Lucy’s show at Talbot Rice. The jewel-like precision with material is so appealing, things appear to fit so snuggly into and around other things, the urge to stroke is strong. And there are works from the collection (University of Edinburgh) including a simply amazing memo about a dog from one of those old kings that they used to have (make haste! in quivering hand on folded post-it). Plus Will Holder’s reinterpretation of H.D.’s Palimpsest is there, just for you to pick up and take home, Hanneline Visnes contributions include a smashing Egyptian cat (wrongly interpreted by me as Secret Dog Tree), Fiona Connor opens up walls in odd places and there’s a chance to see the Nashashibi/Skaer video Why Are You Angry?, a return to the gaze of/at Tahitian women – a re-gaze really, one that’s always on the edge of concern.
The Green Man on Talbot Rice website here.