Peter now screening at Institut Finlandais – 5pm today
A change of venue for Peter’s Premiere to the Institut Finlandais. Here’s some info about the festival for you:

International Festival Signes de Nuit
An Independent World Festival
Since 2003 the international Festival SIGNES DE NUIT is active in Paris and world wide. In these last years we have presented some thousand films from around 70 countries in our principal yearly festivals and on the same time in around 140 programs in collaboration with cultural institutions and festivals in up to now 33 countries, among those Algeria, Australia, Chile, Cuba, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Peru, Russia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey, United States …
The International Festival SIGNES DE NUIT based in Paris is made up of films, which reflects new views, original imagery and critical approach to the crucial points of the modern human existence. It is a place for cinema that expands its own boundaries, that is astonishing, different, potentially free from the pressure of tradition, ready to give itself to the unpredictable experimentation.,
The festival shows films and audio-visual works coming from all over the world, which test new audio-visual languages and in the same time are interested in current problems and situations of present societies. The purpose is to establish a global communication which escapes from the simplifications of the mass-media.
The special artistic forms of these films, which combine sound, image, movement, rhythm, text, space, surprising perspectives and different time structures carry not only an aesthetic purpose, but also broaden the possibilities of communication and understanding between people coming from very different mental, social and physiological backgrounds. To create this international sensitization facing the negative consequences mass communication and stereotypes seems to us a necessary responsibility of the modern cinema and audio-visual production.
Open the Space
The minor costs of digital production makes an independent from commercial influences and any kind of censorship- production possible. These independent productions create an alternative, an artistic space very subtle and accessible to all, in contrast to what mass media offer.
This opposition and the preservation of the free cultural space is the goal of the International Festival Signes de Nuit.
In 2013 the festival has been transformed and is now also performed in Germany, in Berlin and Saarbrücken.
Our target is to establish an international communication and transmission with the aim of cultural awareness for differences and nuances of mental and psychical forms of expression and lifestyles based on their social conditions. In other words, we are focused on thematics concerning the worldwide ongoing technical and cultural transformations in our actual societies and looking for works treating these aspects from a complex artistic viewpoint.
The cinematographic and audiovisual media allow this exchange. The festival is the form of its concretisation, consolidation and reflection. In this sense, we want to create more than a festival among many others. We want to establish a cultural forum of communication and transmission, which isn’t provided by other media (mass media, Facebook…).
From the website here